Version 3.0



Background As String

Sets or returns the file name of the image file to be used as a background.
Note that when this property is set to a null string, DXVU Meter will use the default background.

BackgroundColor As OLE_COLOR

Sets or returns the background color of the leds.

Calibration As Single

Sets or returns a value which will be used to amplify the recorded signal.
Note that this value will only affect the rendering engine. The values returned by the PeakValues event or the audio recorded by the StartRecording method will not be affected.

This property should be used to calibrate the rendering engine using the 1-3-6-9-12-24.wav file included with the installation.
This wav file will generate a constant 1KHz tone at -1dB, then at -3dB, then at -6dB, and so on. The factor that makes this wav file render properly is known as calibration and this value can be any value from 0.1 to 10.

If the precision of the VU leds is not a factor, keep this property set to 1.0
Under Windows XP, the SoundBlaster Live! series appear to produce better results when setting this property to 1.6

EnableRendering As Boolean

Sets whether the internal rendering engine should be enabled or disabled.

GreenOFF / GreenON / YellowON / YellowOFF / RedON / RedOFF As OLE_COLOR

This set of properties set or return the color to be used in the VU leds, where the property with the OFF suffix refers to the off state of the led, and those with the ON prefix refer to the on state of the leds.

FileName As String

Full path to the file where the recorded audio will be saved.
It should have the 'wav' extension.

This property is also used to select a WAV file to be played back.

Orientation As OrientationConstants

When in VU mode, sets or returns the orientation of the control.

NumVUs As Integer

When in VU mode, sets or returns the number of leds displayed.
This value should never be smaller than 16. Making this value larger will make the VU mode look better but will considerably consume more CPU cycles.

PlayBackPos As Double

When playing a media file this property sets or returns the playback position.

PlayBackDuration As Double

After setting the FileName property this property can be used to retrieve the duration of the loaded media file.

Quality As QualityConstants

Sets or returns the sampling quality used by the control, for the monitoring and recording operations.

Resolution As ResolutionConstants

Sets or returns the resolution used by the Oscilloscope Rendering Engine.

The rcBest setting will produce the best looking wave forms but will consume more CPU cycles, while rcVeryLow will produce the worst waveform but while in this mode, the CPU cycles consumption is almost null.

SavedTime(TimeFormat As ReturnTimeFormatConstants) As Single()

Returns an array containing the duration of the saved audio data.

SoundDriver As Long

Sets or retrieves the currently selected sound driver

The list of available sound drivers is a combination of all recording and playback drivers. To determine the type of driver use the SoundDriverType property.

SoundDriverCount As Long

Returns the number of available sound drivers installed on the host computer.

The number of total drivers is the sum of input and recording drivers.

SoundDriverName(ByVal idx as Long) As String

Returns the selected driver's name

SoundDriverDescription(ByVal idx as Long) As String

Returns the selected driver's description (aka friendly name)

SoundDriverType(ByVal idx as Long) As SoundDriverTypeConstants

Returns the selected driver's type.

State As StateConstants

Returns the current state of the control.

Style As StyleConstants

Sets or returns the display mode of the control.

Version As String

Returns the version of the control.