The CCoreAudio..::..CMixer type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDataFlow
Indicates the direction in which the data (or audio) flows within the mixer.
Public propertyDeviceName
Returns the name of the device as reported by the driver.
Public propertyEnabled
Use to query the status of a mixer
Public propertyLine
Represents a line where this mixer contains all its master controls.
Public propertyLines
Returns the list of CLine objects (lines) exposed by the current mixer.
Public propertyMute
Provides access to the Master Mute exposed by this mixer object.
Public propertyName
Returns the name of the mixer as reported by the driver.
Public propertyPeakMeter
Provides access to the Master Peak Meter exposed by this mixer object.
Public propertySelected
Use to query wether the device is the default audio device, systemwide. Setting it to true, will set the device as the default audio device.
Public propertySessions
Returns a list of CSession objects (sessions) associated with the current mixer.
Public propertyVolume
Provides access to the Master Volume exposed by this mixer object.

See Also