The DXVUMeterNETGDI type exposes the following members.


Public eventControlIsReady
Occurs when the control has finished loading and initializing
Public eventDTMFToneDown
Occurs when a DTMF is detected
Public eventDTMFToneUp
Occurs when a previously detected DTMF is lost
Public eventError
Occurs every time the control encounters a problem
Public eventFFTFrame
Occurs every time a new FFT frame is calculated. Note that the event will only be triggered if Style is set to FFT
Public eventMonitoringStateChanged
Occurs every time the monitoring state of the control changes
Public eventPaintGDI
When the Style property is set to UserPaintGDI this event will be fired when the control needs to be painted
Public eventPeakValues
Occurs every time a new chunk of audio is monitored
Public eventPlaybackStateChanged
Occurs every time the playback state of the control changes
Public eventRecordingStateChanged
Occurs every time the recording state of the control changes

See Also